This organization shall be known as the Sandcreek Township Conservation Club, Inc. of Elizabethtown, Indiana.
The purpose of the Sandcreek Township Conservation Club Inc. is to conserve, preserve, restore and manage the game, fish and other wildlife and its habitat; to seek to procure improved hunting and fishing for landowners and sportsmen; to promote the interest in hunting, marksmanship, archery and fishing; and to encourage and educate its members and the general public in the principles of safety. The Club will strive to educate youth and adults through its programs and facilities.
There are four (4) positions of office: The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by secret ballot in December, and shall hold office from January 1 through December 31 for a three (3) year term. All elected positions shall be open for nomination at the November meeting. Those nominated will constitute the ballot for December elections. Eligible nominees must be a Club member with at least four (4) years continuous membership. Elections will be on a rotation to keep continuity of knowledge and experience within the leadership group.
Any vacancies within the Officers shall be filled by a special election. Nominations will be made at the next member meeting and voted upon by the membership present at that meeting. The newly elected Officer will complete the term of the open position.
The President shall be the chief executive officer, presiding over meetings and providing effective leadership for the Club. No individual member or group of members other than the President shall state views as being those of the
Club without official authorization by vote of the membership. The President may appoint ad hoc committees.
The Vice-President shall assist the President and assume the President’s role when necessary.
The Vice-President is responsible to oversee the care and maintenance of the Club grounds and equipment, including scheduling events on the Club grounds. The Vice-President will report to the Board of Directors concerning any improvements
that need to be made.
The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of all regular and special meetings. The Secretary will keep a current list of all members. All applications for new membership are to be made to the Secretary who will act
as membership chairperson and shall be responsible for the issuing of membership cards and renewal of membership dues. All monies collected shall be remitted to the Treasurer with proper receipt thereof.
The Treasurer
is the chief financial officer and shall maintain financial records in accordance with established accounting procedures. A Treasurers report shall be given at every regular meeting.
The Board of Directors (hereinafter known as “the Board”) shall consist of four (4) members. Duties of the Board shall be to provide direction, guidance and adherence to the By-Laws and decisions of the Club. The President shall be
the chairperson of the Board.
Board members shall be elected by secret ballot in December, and shall hold office from January 1 through December 31 for a two (2) year term. Elections shall be on a rotating basis with
two (2) positions open one year and two (2) positions open the following year. All elected positions shall be open for nomination at the November meeting. Those nominated will constitute the ballot for December elections.
Eligible nominees must be a Club member with at least two (2) years continuous membership.
Any vacancies on the Board shall be filled by a special election. Nominations will be made at the next member meeting and voted
upon by the membership present at that meeting. The newly elected Board member will complete the term of the open position.
The President and/or the Vice-President shall be present at all Board meetings. The President and/or any two (2) Board members shall have the power to call special meetings.
Membership is available to anyone regardless of age, race, color, religion, sex or national origin. A family membership plan is for family living in one (1) household. This applies to two (2) adults and minor children. In case of divorce
or minor child living in another household, this will still be considered as one (1) household per the minor child.
Adult children are to obtain their own membership. An active member minor child, upon reaching the
age of 18 will be offered an adult membership, even if membership is full. Special circumstances of membership may be considered and voted upon by the Board of Directors.
The Club members may approve an honorary
lifetime membership for recognition of any individual who has promoted the purpose of the Club over several years.
Maximum membership is 175 voting members.
Each member shall pay yearly dues as established by the Club. All dues shall be paid starting in December of current year. Members in arrears as of March 1 shall be dropped from the active rolls of the Club. New members joining the Club from July through October shall pay one-half of the regular dues for the remainder of the year. New members joining in November or December shall not have to pay dues until the following year.
Regular meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday night of each month at 7:00pm. All members will be notified by telephone or written notice of any special meetings. The Roberts Rules of Order shall be used by this organization in regards to all procedures.
Each member shall pay yearly dues as established by the Club. All dues shall be paid starting in December of current year. Members in arrears as of March 1 shall be dropped from the active rolls of the Club. New members joining the Club from July through October shall pay one-half of the regular dues for the remainder of the year. New members joining in November or December shall not have to pay dues until the following year.
The petty cash fund shall be up to $250. The expenditures in excess of petty cash shall be discussed and voted on at the monthly meetings. Documentation shall accompany all monetary transactions. All accounts shall have dual signatures
of the President and the Treasurer.
All books of the Sandcreek Township Conservation Club Inc. shall be open to any member in good standing at any time. Any proposed non-budgeted expenditure from the “General Fund”
in excess of $1000 must be advertised to the membership prior to the next meeting. The question of whether to expend the funds or not will then be voted on by the membership in attendance of the meeting following the notification
of intent.
The Treasurer has the right to approve building repairs and general improvement/replacement purchases up to $500. Any major critical repair over $500 must receive at least four (4) total Board of Directors and/or Officers approval votes if possible. Emergency time critical repairs can be made if four (4) officers cannot be reached. This is for repair only $500+. (example): Furnace out in dead of winter risking further damage to clubhouse. Not for new construction/new project.
Any donation given by Sandcreek Township Conservation Club Inc. must be presented before the Board of Directors and/or Officers before it is brought to a vote. All donations shall be related to conservation / outdoor education / core mission. Non-core mission donations will be made by member direct donations. In the event of death of a current member or member’s immediate family, a Memorial Donation may be made as a flower purchase or a contribution to a charity of their choice, not to exceed $100.
Any proposed changes to the Club By-Laws must be presented to the membership at one (1) monthly meeting and then voted upon at the following monthly meeting. All proposed By-Law changes must be approved by two-thirds of the members present.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government for a public purpose.
Note: Changes to the by-laws were voted on and adopted
on March 6, 2019
Click here to download a PDF file of the By-laws